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Thursday, September 30, 2004

My days now are just too full of ups and downs. Yup, we got a half day. Early in the morn, me, rj and ama went to the canteen to get a knife, to cut rui jie’s yam mooncakes thing with snow skin! W00t. but yam mooncake tastes weird tho. It was raining. Ok, just drizzling. Yy and aud came along, then yh and Yvonne. We just sat there, and stared into the distant city. Eventually they went to play vball. Yup. so I went back to class. Aaron was telling some people about his *scary* dream in which Eugene was his mum, and woke him up and cooked omelette/pancakes for him. scary. We got back all the English and literature stuff. My English is pretty screwed lah. all the pieces of work added together = 70/110. that’s not even a2. but my lit isn’t too bad, I got 35/50 for something. But I cant remember what. Anyway, after Chinese, we had to clear up our classroom and move the tables for tomorrow’s exams *doom* then we had PIZZA! PIZZA! W00t. I love baked cheese… hooray for mrs lee and mdm john!

So after pizza, me, yh, aaron, nic, Tristan, cindy, samchye, js, max, Darren went to watch white chicks! Omg! Its like funny. not any usual funny. its actually funnier than monty python. And that says a lot. You just cant stop laughing, and sometimes you keep laughing because you cant believe they actually did/filmed that. This is one movie I’d rate 5/5. absolutely brilliant. Im like so getting the vcd/dvd. Yup. oh. I decided not to get ella enchanted because I already have it, and it would be dumb to get it. So anyway, we went to the library. I really didn’t want to study. So I read up on quantum physics. Its damn hard to understand. I got past about half of it, including the teleportation through quanta thing, and Schrödinger’s cat, but all the others just make no sense at all. Aim: to understand quantum physics by the end of the year. Im guessing it’ll be fun, cos I kinda have an interest in it, especially the possibilities of using quantum physics for teleportation. Yup. oh well, exams starting tomorrow. My mum’d rather I sleep early and get enough rest than study my ass off. So I shall get sleeping soon. Its 845 now.

a moment in time.

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Soccer was like retarded today. Cl vs hcl. And we didn’t have a goalie! So it ended up in something like 5-1. I don’t wanna plyay socca anymore! Bball! Whee~ day was boring. Yup. I dunno ytf a certain person would bring up the utarempire thing again. We already sorted it out, and everything’s kinda fine now (but im still an asshole. Yup) and I thought everything would go back to normal and this person had to talk behind my back. Wtf was with all this nice and happy and friendly smses and emails yesterday when you were gonna spite me behind my back today. And it would seem you don’t even understand the whole issue, apparently you haven’t read my replies and apologies. You haven’t even seen my blog. and I thought you were my really good fren. Whatever. I should have known. Vicious. Yes, vicious.

Ok. happier stuff! I wont get all angsty. Me, nic, aaron, js and max went home early. At about 2. so gaui right? We took 12. yup. I decided to stop at 7-11. according to nick, Olivia had written a short story thing in seventeen so aaron and nic said I should buy it. They told me it’s a teen’s mag, but after I read it, it was actually more for girls. Um.. I had some spare cash so I bought anyway. Olivia’s story thing not bad lah. shes a damn good writer. Maybe even better than sb. But that story was kinda weird, I haven’t read it properly yet. I think the mag is somewhere around here. Ok. whatever. And they ran out of cornettos. I haven’t eaten ice cream in 1 week! Better get some tomorrow. Maybe a cookie cone. Yup. oh! And we’re watching white chicks tmr! I hope so, last chance to cool off before the *doom* exams *doom* whee~

a moment in time.

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Geog and Chinese were boring lah. Eugene was like despo to beat me in the geog test. He kept asking mrs bok if he could get more marks. He needed 2 marks to beat me, but she kept rejecting him lah. go iron bok! Eugene = rejected. we had to write some formal letter thing during Chinese. I really really hope we don’t need to do a formal letter during the Chinese exams. It takes about 5 minutes more to write out the extra stuff, and another 5 minutes to figure out what to write for the extra stuff and how to keep the whole thing formal.

Yuhui was niaoing me during recess. Something about vball and a certain girl. Ok. whatever. I went to the oc instead. I knew she’d never stop teasing me if I actually played. so now I dare to do the window the normal way. So I can start the whole oc thing again with all the stuff. I’d say about 35 secs. Oh. And now I wanna do the two ropes thing. I can reach the top but I cant touch the beam! That’s like sad because now I have to invert and touch the beam with my feet. Sadness. Oh. And another goal: to go through all 3 holes in the window. I keep falling down at the 2nd hole. I wonder how the others do it so easily. Shall have to come up with new method.

I got 19.5/25 for maths! Its like so amazing I got as high as that because I really screwed up section a. I even skipped one question. Stupid graph. Really kills your eyes. But I failed the history re test. 9/20. my history is screwed liao. It’s the subject which I have the least hope in. history was one of my best subjs last year, and first semester this year, I got a b3. then I keep getting so low for the last few tests. Its gonna be about a b4 or something lah. but if I happen to face a miracle during the finals, I might hopefully get an a2. yup. im hoping for a2. Chinese will save me. Chinese will save me. I must/will get top in Chinese. Or else… im doomed.

We had this weird time trial thing. For history. I think this time I managed to get by with some proper time management, for once. But I hope I got all my points in. and my handwriting isn’t too bad. I ended with about 2 minutes to spare. So I got real worried because I felt more points could be added, so I squeezed in more points. Yup. hopefully I can get a 75% for this, then ill feel more confident for my dismal history. ill be history.

Oh. I found out something. Theres a pretty high chance that a free throw will get in. I mean shot with your eyes closed. Theres this aiming line thing, and you just have to estimate strength and distance. That’s the part I fail at. All my shots go like right in the middle, but they keep rebounding off. One day I’ll find the balance. Yes. Then I will be able to take shots without aiming. I tried it with a 3 pointer too. Nearly got in, but I wont try it again, too dangerous. I was being gay (as in retarded gay, unlike nick who is secretly gay ie homosexual) during the match. I was screaming and stuff. Ok. nvm. Oh! All my serves went on target! Sho sho sho happy. Argh, but history retest. Argh. And received the stupid registration form from vjc. So unhappy now. Oh. Theres this song from the titanic ost that I borrowed from aaron. Unable to stay, unwilling to leave. It so so so describes my current position now. Everywhere, I see songs of farewell. Ive chosen three to send to three people. Yup.

a moment in time.

Monday, September 27, 2004

20 Questions to a Better Relationship
eXpressive: 6/10Practical: 6/10Physical: 4/10Giver: 10/10
You are a XPIG--Expressive Practical Intellectual Giver. This makes you a Catch.You are a magazine-cover, matinee idol dreamboat. Parents love you and want to set you up with their kids. However, first dates are tough because it takes time for your qualities to come out. You are generous and kind. You think first and act later. You are cool in a conflict, but your practical side means if your partner throws out emotional appeals ("why can't we do what I want for a change?") they will grate on your nerves, even when the conflict is resolved. You're a romantic. You enjoy the thrill of the hunt, and you don't just fall into bed with anyone. You pay close attention to your significant other's needs, and this makes you an excellent lover and partner. The problem is that your friends and lovers may find it so easy to express things to *you* that they lose sight of whether you feel as comfortable with *them*! This doesn't necessarily make you feel under-appreciated -- you're too well-adjusted and self-aware for that -- but you may feel restless. Thus you seek adventure in your life outside the relationship to prove and actualize yourself. Of all the types, you would make the best parent. You are coiffed. Didja see "Big Fish"? 'Cause you're like Ewan MacGregor in "Big Fish."Of the 106953 people who have taken this quiz, 9 % are this type.
20 Questions to being a Better Person

Your score as a human being is 79.45.
Middle of the road, eh? Does that mean you're yellow? Yellow as a salamander frying on blacktop? Yellow as a urinal cake? Yellow as a delicious marshmallow Peep? Mmmm. Peep. Sometimes I think if it weren't for Just Born candy, I would just expel my life force and expire. Hot Tamales. Mike and Ikes. But I digress.Nicely done. You are robustly average, and I approve of it.

20 Questions to a Better Personality

Wackiness: 44/100Rationality: 46/100Constructiveness: 68/100Leadership: 78/100

You are a SECL--Sober Emotional Constructive Leader. This makes you a Politician.You cut deals, you change minds, you make things happen. You would prefer to be liked than respected, but generally people react to you with both. You are very sensitive to criticism, since your entire business is making people happy.At times your commitment to the happiness of other people can cut into the happiness of you and your loved ones. This is very demanding on those close to you, who may feel neglected. Slowly, you will learn to set your own agenda--including time to yourself. You are gregarious, friendly, charming and charismatic. You like animals, sports, and beautiful cars. You wear understated gold jewelry and have secret bad habits, like chewing your fingers and fidgeting.You are very difficult to dislike.Of the 30913 people who have taken this quiz since tracking began (8/17/2004), 7.2 % are this type.

Quizzes from a link off vina’s blog. politician. Right. Omg. Genie in a bottle playing on 98.7! the parodies are way way way better. I had predicted right, today was a happy day! Whee~ I dun even need ice cream now, but I wouldn’t mind some. Yum! Our English teacher is named mrs ang too. But not the e.lit one. Omg. Ann(i)e ang is scary. Ok. no elaborations here. Mrs ang is quite nice lah, we did analysis of two pieces today. The exams are so near it aint funny anymore. Geog was happy! Because I like passed this geog test. Yes. The last geog test was the only test I failed in 3 years. Oh. So I got top. how nice. Yay. Ahem. Mrs lee was on mc, so we got all noisy and stuff. Until recess. Omg. I did the oc in less than 25 secs, but aaron didn’t time! Oh well. ill do it some other day.

Rest of the day was boring lah. I took an afternoon nap to get out of my angsty emotions thing. Yup. im happy now! Cause I did well for the last two tests and a lot of other stuff has made me happy! Oh. And I went to the new popular at tamp mall! Its cool! Big and filled with lots of stuff. I went to big bookshop too. I got a pocket atlas for 1.90! its quite extensive.i like maps! Oh, and im considering taking up quantum physics. Ive a new found interest in quantum foam. All because of timeline. Couldn’t find it at popular! Sadness. I guess its time I start on geog paper.

a moment in time.

Sunday, September 26, 2004

Timeline rocks. Period. So does quantum physics. I might read up a bit about that during the hols. I cant wait for the hols to come. Anyway, theres this question ive been thinking about. What are some people around the world so desperate to get into an ivy league school? I mean like, sure, you got status and stuff, but in the end, no matter what univ you’re going to, you are aiming for a degree or some other cert, and if u get it, it wont matter whether its from a ivy league sch or not. Oh well. maybe im just confused, as usual. I didn’t do much after church today. I finished the geog prac papers mcq and stuff. Im unwilling to start on maths or science. Maybe ill do it tomorrow. Ok. everyone’s weird now. Ying xian does not sound like ying xian. She sounds more like vina, rj or wq. And the fact that shes telling me to get some ice cream using the class fund money, and so is vina, is giving me suspicions that vina has hacked into yx’s account. And they both have disp pics form some book sau showed them. Anyway, I posted two peer evaluations on utarempires blog. apparently hes quite a nice guy. Yup, so I jumped to conclusions and stuff. I also explained the “fking jap” thing there. Ok, fine. Ill just copy/paste it here so everyone can read. Saves the trouble anyhow. I guess this is what blogs are for… just letting everyone know what you think and how you feel, and why you feel that way.

im potemkin by the way. im sure i havent hurt your feelings, but i know ive been disgrace to everyone, especially my friends and those in my country. visa explained to me a lot of stuff about why you feel this way, but it was too late, i had already posted my rantings, and i found no way to take it back. i would like you to understand that that night i was feeling rather fed up with everything, and i was shown your blog. i didnt even read through much of the entry, and just blew my top and wrote that crap. its one of the worst things ive done, and now i face the consequences. i hope you'll forgive me, and give singaporeans and singapore one more chance.Mark 09.24.04 - 11:46 pm #
i already apologised dudes. and yah, i was being a jackass. hope you (utarempire) dont have anything against me, because i hope to put everything behind. its just one of my worst moments when my worst sentiments just came out and i dont ever want to remember it. i hope everyone who was affected by this whole issue will forgive me. and when i apologise, i mean it.Mark 09.26.04 - 3:30 am #
oh. and since im here, i better explain the f***king jap thing. i thought Dr Fujiyama was a jap (im still not sure what he is now), and that in not being a singaporean, he had no right in judging what we are like. sure, theres freedom of speech. it was just a big misunderstanding and im not a racist. i made a personal vow never to be racist after learnign about the holocaust and american racism.Mark 09.26.04 - 3:49 am #
and uh… according to vina…

Mark, he already accepted your apology. Really. You can quit it now. You're forgiven.I-No 09.26.04 - 7:24 am #
Yup. im grateful. And really sorry for myself. I cant believe I went that far. And all the disgrace ive caused to everyone else. Bet im gonna be ostracised tomorrow. Ok. so that thing was on Wednesday and nothing has happened. But I know that everyone hates me more now. Maybe SOMEONE’s (im not allowed to state the person’s name) hate-Mark campaign may be successful after all, by my own actions. This is a sad life. No more happiness. The pinnacle was reached in May, and now its gone below the neutral level. Yup. im getting more angsty. I need more ice cream.

a moment in time.

Yup. Saturday. so I slacked. I was going to start the study proper, but temptation was staring me in the face. Bloody computer. Well anyway, I did the mapwork for geography. And read 3 pages of geography notes on rice farming and the three gorges dam. That’s it. Yup. I wasted the day away. Went to change airport, terminal one for dinner. Omg. I realised I haven’t been there for 3++ years. Ive been to terminal two recently, and quite often too, but I used to go to the airport minimum 3 times a week when I was young. I was expecting many changes in terminal one, but it surprisingly, even a bit disappointingly looks much the way it looked. Terminal two looks way cooler, especially the area around the mrt station. The architecture there is one of the best ive seen. One major change ive noticed in terminal oen is that the Chinese opera masks have been replaced by abstract western art. Its nicer, but doesn’t retain anything local. Oh well. and timeline like so rocks. Yup. maybe I’ll find the movie somewhere…

a moment in time.

Saturday, September 25, 2004

Omg. Today was seriously scary in a good way. Yh thinks the Disney magic cd sucks! Aiyah, not her music taste lor, but I like music like that eg ballads, dance. Especially can you feel the love tonight! Its so smooth sounding and romantic! Whee~ we discussed housing during history! mrs lee told us about the weird neighbours she had. Oh! And apparently theres a conspiracy theory about the bukit ho swee fires thing. We played vball with some seniors during pe! Science was ok lah, we got back the exam. Finally something good after all the disappointing science grades ive had. 24.5/30. yay. Itll pull up the other dismal marks.

We had nothing to do for 3 hours. I roamed around, watched vball and bball, and when this guy mr loh came along to play bball, our interest was instantly captured. Hes an art teacher, and playing bball. You dun usually see teachers playing bball. Omg. The scariest thing is, he’s so good the word to describe it cannot be uttered here. So me, max and sb were on his team, vs 4 other supposedly pro people. So it was like I got the ball, pass to this mr loh guy, he scores, the ball passed back to me, I pass to him, he scores and so on. Once in a while max and sb would score one or two, and I would do some intercepting, but this guy. Omg. Even when 7 of his scores were counted as 1 point, we pwned the living shit out of the other team. This. Guy. Pwns. Serious. Shit. As in REALLY serious shit. He’s better than anyone ive seen in real life action (ie not nba) omg. Scary. Me, max and sb were just gaping at this huge guy bouncing all over the place with cool moves and scoring like it was nobody’s business. And we couldn’t do anything about it.

Moon cake festival was just weird lah. mr yeo sang the first song. Heh. Hes not bad lor, for that kind of era. we played lots of hand games, you know, like chopticks and zha. Yeah. it was boring lor. Except for the mooncakes and food! Mooncakes! Whee~ I brought ruffles. Yay. Ruffles are always easily finished lah. w00t. lots of food. Then we hanged around the pull up area. I can do the semi-one handed pull up thing (ie just one hand on bar with other hand balancing body). But I usually do 3 with a boost from the ground at the start. So I’d count that as 2. the first time I did that, my hand already got blisters. Oh. And I did oc on wednesday in 25 seconds. W00t. as fast as sb! And the weird scout guy. Two aims now: get from one end of pull up bars to the other end without touching ground, so like hang all the way with an acid pool below, and also, dare to actually do the spinning around thing on the bar. Then I’ll think of something else to fulfil. Yup.

It was 10 when we left school. Such a beautiful night. I waited with nic for her parents with samlow and junkiak, then sb came along and I went to take 12 with him. Js and max had purposely missed one bus, so they were still there. We had man talk. Yeah. and I took out sprite and cups and we drank it like beer. W00t. cheers to life! I dropped at katong sc, then went for supper with my parents and some friends until 1130. so its 1 am now, and I better go to sleep before I get sleep-depravation.

a moment in time.

Thursday, September 23, 2004

Ok. I was terribly ap and egoistical yesterday. I was seriously pushed beyond the psychological limit of myself. I really cant take this kind of stuff. I was already under all the stress of the exams and all the stuff and angst yesterday, when rj showed me that blog. I just lost my mind I guess. So, im not allowed to flame Darren today. Because some people warned me of his hate-Mark campaign which is ready to go off any moment now. As aaron says, Darren can make the whole class turn against me. Heh. He doesn’t even read my blog. he’ll only know if his cronies spy and stuff. And its obvious who they are. Ok. I’ll shush.

Things only got interesting after recess. Frantic writing for 2.5 periods straight. History test with Justin. I don’t see the point of pair work. You cant do two questions at the same time. And the discussion takes off more time. But me and Justin finished the paper, although he said question 4 was hastily done. Oh well. maths test was real bad for me. Section a was SERIOUSLY screwed up. I’ll get 25-50% for sectA. But sectB was way better. Im hoping for full marks, but my logic was pretty screwed too, for the congruent triangles. Apparently no one, not even dear sb, could prove question 2 to get the full marks. All hope fails.

Omg. MOVie! We didn’t even finish watching it today lor. Like the really really final part left. things started to get hot. The trial scene was comical. Bassanio and Antonio were like stroking each other and Antonio was kissing bassanio. Ok, maybe not kissing, but his lips were on bassanio’s cheek. And Portia had this “omg. My husband is gay” look on her face. And Lorenzo and Jessica were nearly caught making out in their front yard. Omg. SICK. SICKSICKSICK. Im gonna buy the dvd. Yup. Superb edition of MOV. W00t.

Yh told me on Wednesday that it was the final day to go bugis. Guess what. We went today. Ate at mcd. I signed up as a members (that’s how the lady said it) oh. I wanted to buy this weird pc.com magazine special issue which was going for just 5 bucks at kino. So tempted. I went to the neoprint shop and was going to ask them if I should buy and they nearly dragged me in with them. Resist the temptation. I went to semb music and kino all alone and looked at stuff until they were done. Omg. Ella enchanted is finally out! It was out in august, but it wasn’t in the stores yet. W00t. just 12.90. should I buy? I think I will eventually. Even though I have it on me comp. original is better! Anyway its way better quality. Oh! And kino was playing this song I really like. Casablanca. It took me an hour to find the correct song. So now I have it. *happy!* oh, and I bought an orange pen for yh. Nic says im being overly nice to her. So I’ll stop lah. its getting kinda weird for the both of us too. Good fwens k?

I went to pasir ris library. Took 12 with the others. We talked about lots of stuff, especially certain people in our class. Ok. to counter this hate-Mark campaign by our dear Darren here, there are some things I have to do: stop trying to get credit for projects, because it doesn’t matter unless they take away my marks, and stop the whole ego thing. Yup. only then will Darren find no huge faults against me. I wont flame him lah. there are lots more stuff to flame him about, but im just too nice! Whee~ ok. I’ll just stop here.

a moment in time.

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

I would like my readers to know that I can say whatever I want here. And if you cant take criticism, no matter how dumb it can be, just get outta here.


I was gonna rant about this guy. Just read lah. Visa and vina made me feel guilty and I decided not to in the end, because apparently some of my assumptions were wrong. Hes a Singaporean and he’s criticizing us for being dumb. Just read and you’ll understand why im so pissed at people like him. Even though visa explained to me why he was liddat.

Ok. Today. Nothing interesting in particular. Im just out of words to say lah. im gonna rant about Darren. was going too anyway. Look. if u want to say anything about this, just stfu ok? Especially vina and visa. Here goes.

Darren was chao ap today. He was like bossing everyone around on the vball court, being the self-appointed coach he is. Apparently some vball ppl have already gotten pissed with him. Amanda is the captain and should be the one organising and coaching the whole team, not Darren, because shes a vball pro, being in the vball team, and the only expert vball Darren sees, is on tv. So frequently he tells everyone he has mastered some vball skill, and when he tries to show it off and flops, he gives some lame excuse like the net is too high or his hand got hurt. And it gets worse. During science, he held the whole class up for like half an hour with 2 questions that have obvious answers. When everyone except darr knows the answers, and he keeps insisting on understanding it, and everyone just gives up on him. He’s even more despo for marks than Eugene, and when someone doesn’t help him in something he can do/learn himself, he gets pissed with that person.

Its all about the popularity issue. Apparently, as aaron claims, Darren is the most popular dude in class. I dun see how, when quite a few people are “discontent” with him. During projects, he takes credit for something that isn’t even his work. Ok, for example, you did an essay or have some great idea. Good ol Darren comes along and says something along the lines of “not to insult your intelligence, but this sucks, I’ll edit it” and then on the final day, he will give you that piece of work and complain to you he stayed up all night to complete it and he should get the credit, when the bulk of it is actually your work. And it aint just me. Lotsa his group projects members claims this too. Anyone notice he sucks up to “popular” people, most prob jus to be popular. And everyone of his blog entries were just ranting about the imperfections of other people, maybe you should take a look at yourself. Like how I admit that I got a huge ego. Ok. Im just ranting lah. I know im not in the position to criticise you, being the imperfect person I am. So, sorry darr. I know you cant help it that you’re so popular right?

I guess I was in a bad mood whole day long. And I wasn’t in the position to judge him. But I had to get that “out of the system”. Anyone who feels hurt by me (unlikely.) im sorry.. Yeah, everyone should be happy.

a moment in time.

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

I cant take it anymore. All those thoughts in my mind. So many things I have to think about at every single moment. Turning me into a raving mad man. Whats happening? Is life really as it is? Is this the reality we all seek? Im losing my mind. But once I wake up tomorrow everything will be ok. I hope. Watching titanic now. Used to be my fave movie for three years in a row. Oh well. today was ok lah. I just didn’t get what my life has turned into after just 4 months after may. Its like the best time ive ever had, yet so confusing where I get this joy from.

Like anyway, my group presented for geog. Argh. I hate being captain planet. Ok whatever. I think our poster’s real real nic. Thanks to ama. Artistic. Heh. Well, Chinese was ok. We watched 2e vs sec3s in vball. Omg. S3s suck. Ok. Im not that blunt. 2e serves high and mostly on target. Yup. Well, the science test was ok, I think better than other sci tests. I have already lost 3 marks or more. That’s about 90% left. higher chance than other tests. Maths was blehish and we copied lots of notes during history.

I went home after school. I still haven’t started mugging. Im just not in the mood to actually start. Maybe I’ll start some history later. I dun feel too well.

a moment in time.

Monday, September 20, 2004

Mdm john wasn’t here today. We didn’t get to watch MOVie. So we slacked. Sure, I should have been studying. But I was feeling kinda angsty and went around singing creep. Ok. Geog started, the other groups were pretty screwed this morn, but in the end they pulled it off. Our presentation will so so so rock. Heh. I had to stay back after assembly with sb, rj and nick for bouncing on the chairs. Like wtf. Oh well. my right nostril was chronically blocked throughout the day and even now. That resulted in me angst. Its weird my temperature is normal but just my right nostril is blocked. We got to go to the comp lab during pccg! The survey wasn’t working. So we got to do other stuff. Heh. My group’s fastest for d&t but I fear that our project might fail, I must learn how to make it watertight. I came up with the idea of a waterwheel, and generated the process. W00t. I think the hardest part is the wheel itself. Might take 3 periods to do, but it’s the only thing we have left to do. Yup. So yay.

Took a taxi to amanda’s house. I have realised it is actually possible to reach home by 2pm, if you take taxi. For bus minimum is 40 mins – 1 hour. Anyway, I went home first, again, and then bought stuff. Its become routine. Oh. We ate maggi mee at ama’s house. I added garlic chilli sauce and French fries! W00t. I dun like garlic though. Yeah. im not allowed to disclose what we did there. It was fun though. Oh. Ama has the powerpuff girls movie! Sadness lor. I was talking to ama over the phone jus now, and realised that every one of our phone convos usually end up in music discussion. Sadness. Ou de yang! But I love qing fei de yi the best! Whee~ and my God give me the strength and memory for tomorrow science test. I don’t want to flop science this year.

a moment in time.

Sunday, September 19, 2004


?? Which Country Are You From ??
brought to you by Quizilla

Your country is france

Which country is your country?
brought to you by Quizilla

right. So im destined to live in france. Oh, how romantic. More quizzies! Im a bored guy.

You are VERY HAPPY... Too happy... What's wrong
with you anyways...

omg. Wtf lor

Wow man, you are a Singaporean! Fun, crappy,
kiasu...what more can you ask of a person?

How Singaporean Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

ok. That’s it. Yoshinoya for lunch! omg! Sho sho sho nice! Whee~ then I went to the library! Whatever lah. they didn’t have any star wars comics. Sadness. I tried to study science just now, just scanned through the notes. Too busy uncovering msn’s secrets. Most people think they cnat find out who has added them on msn. Like good ol’ Eugene over here. Omg. Im SO smart. Like. Go to tools > options > privacy. Right in the middle in this weird button which allows you to view who has added you. But not blocked you lah. use msn block checker for that. Whee~

a moment in time.

Saturday, September 18, 2004

Omg! Parent child day! Pretty much as waste of time that could be used for studying. Well, I had to go to school myself. It takes like an hour or much more to reach school. Argh. Well, I got there, played some vball, went up and watched people come in and pizza being delivered. The presentation was like boring lor. I didn’t really care. My mum asked redundant questions. Yeah. but the food was nice! Like EIGHT pizzas! And brownies and lots of other stuff! Enough for lunch and dinner lor. W00t. we had to go for some talk thing by mint. Those people are not used to her weirdness, especially the hair. Me and aaron were freaked out the first time we saw her. But shes nice lah. EDS SHINE! then I played bball. And went home. Oh. Did I see mrs lee playing vball? SCARY. Hope she plays with us on wed or Friday. Heh. The library was closed! So bad. Boring lor. I think I shall study science now…

a moment in time.

Friday, September 17, 2004

Whee~ I got 7/10 for yesterday’s history time trial! So I might actually get an A for the next test. Quite relieved to see it. And for once I got after L3 for lorms. We still haven’t gotten back the immigration retest. Real worried about it. Pe was so boring! Vball during recess was boring too! Oh! We watched more of the MOVie during English! Sooooo sick. So so so so sick. And the costumes are bloody revealing lor. Ew. Dun like it! We shouldn’t even be watching it. Omg! The new sci tchr is so nice! Ok. So I forgot his name. I think it was mr tan. But anyway, he printed out lots of notes for us so we wont die during the next test, and is gonna print more! Whee~

Yup. So we went down at 145. vball! Whee~ I played a bit. Until 345. then sb timed me on the oc. 47 seconds. I got stuck while coming down rope! It was swinging violently and I couldn’t slide down properly. Then sb went to watch soccer and I sat with Nicholas talking about stuff. Apparently he was once a flight sim fan (just like what I am now) and he says he pwns at flight sims. ONE ON ONE! Omg! Heh. I haven’t played any of the new ones though. Oh. And he wants to be an alpha-tester. You can actually get paid minimum US$7k per MONTH for playing games. According to nic lah. if u want to believe him. Anyway he got the skills. It doesn’t take much education to fulfil their requirements, as long as you’re a game-pro (like nic). Yup. So that’s the job for him. Envy envy. 7000/mth just to PLAY GAMES. Omg. Oh. And he was telling me about this replay video of a cs pro. As in REALLY pro, those who help in game development. Supposedly its like 1 pro cs guy with an ak47 with 30 bullets vs 32 other people and he killed all of them in one clip. Like satay headshot 3 people. SCARY. And this guy can listen to footsteps and just turn around and immediate headshot. Im trusting Nicholas this time. But I do envy those people. Alpha-testers. What a beautiful occupation. So he timed me on the oc. This time I got stuck at the wall, couldn’t get up until third time. I took 37. I heard him say 47 seconds at the wall. So I was about to give up. And he was like MARK! 27 seconds! Wtf lor. So I got up. And improved by 10 seconds. W00t. 37 seconds. Next aim = 35 seconds or even half a minute. Yup.

Sb was sleeping in the canteen. And Nicole was eating. Weird. Whatever. I went to play vball! W00t. chicken wing! I did 5 of those today! And I missed only one! Whee~ my best game was the last! Aiyah, why did nick leave? Then I had to take his position and mine. Then iris left to join the other team! So it was like me, nic, yh, and max! vs the PROS. Sho sho sho bad. Eh. But we survived! Nic and yh were telling me something about an empty spot. And how empty it was there. And none of them would take it. I thot for a bit. And I realised what they were NIAOING me about. You two SO EVIL! YUHUI ARH. Its like I dun like her! You two HORNY girls. Omg. What am I saying. Ok whatever. Im losing my sanity. They can make me go mad.

a moment in time.

Thursday, September 16, 2004

Omg! Merchant of Venice the movie! We watched it at the avt during eng. Its so sick. Oh. Anyone noticed the illusion to to kill a mockingbird? The horny white girl looked down upon by the community, going for a black man, and her father who dislikes the black guy, touching her and that. Too obvious. Its just sick. And why is everything so gloomish and smoky like those underground organisation bigshots thing? I dun like that movie. Ew. Ah. So we had to write a letter during Chinese. I also made a study plan! Supposed to be studying Chinese and literature now. Argh. Nvm. Anyway, we arm wrestled after the letter. I BEAT JS! For the third time in a row. He finally admits he’s weaker than me! Muahaha! Anyone else? Oh. Js says after the exams we’ll try again.yup.

Heh. Went to the oc during recess. Yes! I can do acid rope and acid wall! (no touching on green patch thing) and I completed the oc within 2 minutes. Now im trying for either 1.5 minutes or double rope. Oh. I nearly got up double rope. But how do you grip the top? even reuben and sam chye cant! The top of the rope is too thick lah. my hands are too small. Oh well.

Well, my hands got pretty screwed up because of all the climbing and stuff. Guess what. History time trial. Wah. You can get cramps in your hands like that lor. Omg. I finished right on time lor. Finally did some history thing on time. Maybe its because of the pressure. So I’ll pressurise myself during history and geography exams. Yup. Then I’ll have enough time. But your hands REALLY hurt after that. Maths was ok. We learnt enlargement. Quite simple to do, like similar triangles. Literature was ok too.

Went to ama’s house after school. I dunno what we have done so far. I think the text’s done. About 60-75% done. Or more lah. is not good at estimating. Yup. Just need the finishing touches. Oh! Did I say I got ANOTHER silver pen? It’s a triplus gel liner. Saw it at big bkshp while I was buying poster materials. Too good to resist lah. its SILVER. Omg I love my money! Yup. I was playing jedi knight 1 just now. Omg. The fps is like 100! So 1337. and I only have 64 ram! Omg. I love the repeating blaster. Its still my fave gun in all star wars games. W00t!

a moment in time.

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Omg! I played soccer today. Um. I actually scored 2 goals? Oh. The 2nd one was so tyco. Sb, the goalie, was lying on the ground and siva told me to kick the ball in, I kicked and flopped because the ball hit my toes, and it was rolling towards the goal! Then sb realised what was happening and was trying to grab at the ball but it went past him. Muahaha! Siva kept calling me alan smith. Lame. My soccer still sucks. I can’t do all those back hells, back kicks and juggle the ball like I used to! That was soooo long ago. 3 years! Im a sadness. Vball’s WAY better.

Maths! We learnt rotation today. Wtf lor. Its like one topic a day. And 3 assignments all due on Monday! Im not gonna give a damn about them. Lit was sad too lah. mindmaps. Recess was ok. Vball! W00t. oh. My notebook got raped during Chinese. By nic. She SPAMMED it! With omgwtfbbq. And I didn’t cheat on yuhui’s feelings lor. You bad person nic. Im a nice guy! Sorta. Ok whatever. Science was ok. This guy can teach quite well. not sure yet. So we got to go off early because of no irs. Played vball, it rained, ate lunch, played more vball.

My hands got pretty screwed up because of the hard vball. So after about and hour or so, I sat down and sulked. And got a drink. Then played bball with dick and koon. Finally know who they are! Heh. Nick called them the underwear guys! =S nick is just HORNY lah. I was quite stupid to go played bball after my hands got screwed. I couldn’t shoot at all. Chopped one free throw and that was it. I could only play support. Yup. Then it started to rain again. And we ran to the bus stop. And then I got cake and went home with ama. What a day. I shall go study geog now.

a moment in time.

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Whee~ popn and settlements are interesting! Especially settlements! All the diff kinds of houses. I dun get bored during geog anymore. Studied during recess. Bweh. Oh! We presented first for science! Apparently I had said something about presenting first and this in turn became a curse upon aaron when he went up to draw lots. Heh. Yay! Humped Deserthopper or the “HUMPER!” omg! The drawing is SOOOO cute! Awww… and sb! U copied MY design! The south enthonian bubblefish! Its like my fishie thing lor. Yours should be the horny south enthonian bubblefish. Whats with the huge horn anyway? We’re learning the mirror and translation things during maths! One of me faves topic in maths, and one of the easiest to me. Might save my maths grade.

Omg. Geog test. I spent too much time on first question again! But it was 8 marks. I think I gave substantial points. Full marks for mcq! W00t. I hope I pass this test. I better anyway. Then we went for the towner gardens carnival briefing thing. They only needed 10 people. By the time we had finished discussing, the 10 places had been taken up by the other classes. So we were REJECTED. Ok. Whatever. Im being very lame today. So lame that instead of playing ggxx at js’ house, I went to challenger and popular and sulked because they just released the sims 2 and I didn’t have enough money to buy it today. Wait. I had. Ok. Whatever. I want the dvd edition! And I couldn’t find ella enchanted at semb music! So sad lor. Oh well. it was a raining afternoon. And I went home and sulked. And watched saing private ryan. W00t.

a moment in time.

Monday, September 13, 2004

Start of the end. Genesis to revelation. Oh noes…. Term 4! Term 4 = final exams! + free periods AFTER final exams. So one must get past the final exams to reach the blessing in disguise. Its one hard path to take, but its inevitable. Must it begin so soon? I DUN WANT THE HOLS TO END! Oh well. mdm john: ‘they’re all doing the merchant of Venice assignment. Although they all seem dead.” NIAO. Its not our fault we thought there was geog test today right! We HAD to study. I copied all the stuff from the book. Bweh. Oh! And because the iron bok thought tc wasn’t coming, she postponed the test, even though he came! W00t. so its tomorrow.

Oh. Ice cream dude did assembly. INNOVATION AND ENTERPRISE. SOOOO important to us, eh? Geez. We’ve had enough of this enterprise shit that’s being drummed into us every SINGLE YEAR. Irs, ip, ivp, Bizlab. It never ends does it? The video was interesting though. The one about our students, not the edu minister. Oh! I tried the whole oc today and completed it! I got stuck at the wall though. One time lah, then finally got up. My aim now is to complete the course within 2 minutes and also to do the double rope thing which I haven’t tried for 3 weeks.

Mrs lee gave us a lecture on the exam stuff during pccg, and also some quiz thing to assess ourselves. I never evaluate the questions. That’s why me tests are doomed! So from now on, I’ll continue my study method, which worked quite well for me last year, but I’ll READ the questions this time. And elaborate in the appropriate manner. First thing to study after population = MERCHANT OF VENICE. First test with study stuff is literature. I got a minor study plan. I dun usually use study plans, but this is going in order of the test dates. Yup.

Our new sci teacher is an ANUS too! He’s rather interesting. St’s andrew’s sec, then Anderson jc and then nus! He seems quite fun too. We did intros. W00t. oh. And for d&t, it was drawings all the way. So far I haven’t gotten any drawing thing wrong. And usually the quickest to finish. I was the first to hand up the test, and I hope I got full marks. I completed all the questions! We were only supposed to do 3. sadness lor.

LAN! W00t. finally. My ft sucks so bad. I think I’d even lose to nic. Ok. Maybe not. But I think I’d lose to aaron. Stupid expansion theory. Me night elf is screwed now. Undead! Oh. Dota today. I got to use the drow ranger. Obviously I’m not suited to that. Not used to such great power. I keep running away when I could have attacked. Well, maybe I’d go back to medusa. Yup. Oh. Yh called me. She was like oh noes mark I lost the RING! The ring = farewell gift! And I’d only given it to her today! Oh. Decided not to marry her. Heh. We dun even like each other! Ok fine. I wont “cheat” on you anymore ok? I didn’t even go out with her lor. Sho bad. Yh gonna make me cry again! Dun worry lah, you’ll be in me heart 4eva k? (omg! I sound MUSHY!) Aiyah. Gonna buy a mood pendent for hui yi because I owe her a long-belated bday prezzie. As for sb… I’ve let him lose enough oh me stuff liao. Most prob my parents will bring him to change airport for dinner sometime. I think he’d like that. Yup! I dun wanna study for geog test. Im in too good a mood. Whee~

a moment in time.

Sunday, September 12, 2004

2 quizzies from yh:

W H A T D O Y O U W A N T:Where do you want to live? switzerland! w00t! just beside lake lucerne! sho pwetty! or maybe beside waikiki beach too. the food there's real nice.How many kids do you want? 2Do you want to get married? um. why not?W H I C H I S B E T T E R:2 doors or 4? ... wtf. um... whats the use of havent 4? or even 2?Coffee or ice cream? omg.omgomgomg. ice cream rawks!Bridges or tunnels? bridges lah. over a nice romantic river.One pillow or two? 2F A V O R I T E S:Salad dressing? Worchester or thousand island, maybe full creamColor of socks? White! Food? Lots, but I especially love baked cheeseToothbrush? The one I’m using now? Aquafresh lahAlcoholic drink? Red wine. Mmm… Non-alcoholic drink? Ice blended or oreo shake!Drug: yup. Coffee.T H E P A S T:1 MINUTE AGO: national geog looking for global changes, checking out yuhui’s blog, and um… doing this quiz.
1 DAY AGO: dhs open house!1 WEEK AGO: must have been playing solitaire1 YEAR AGO: apparently checking out tablet pc websitesF E E L I N G S:I HURT: yh’s feelings! Ok. I dun think I hurt people much. Im soooo nice.I LOVE: all me frenz! And life! Im so happy!I HATE: few people. Those that really suck. Irritating bitches lah.I FEAR: waking up naked with Eugene by me side. Ok. Seriously, I fear pain and isolation.I HOPE: for love, joy and lotsa stuffI HIDE: my feelingsI MISS: the frens I had to leaveI LEARNED: life doesn’t suck as much I thought it used to beI DONT KNOW: why I feel so screwed upI WAIT: for the nov/dec hols! W00t.I NEED: dinner!I THINK: a lot of stuff! Im a thinker!C U R R E N T S:Current Clothes: singlet and shorts.Current Mood: calm.Current Music: nsync - popCurrent Taste: milk and cereal
Current Hair: black?Current Smell: neutral, got blocked nose
Current thing I should be doing: studying for geog test tm. Eeek!Current Desktop Picture: golden trees in a romantic park in the evening.Current Favorite: huh? Fave what?Current Movie In VCR/DVD: none. Last one was… pearl harbor?F I R S T S:First self purchased CD: none. My parents/relatives/frens buy all of ‘em. The first cd I chose to buy was coast to coast! Westlife whee~First funeral: cant reme. Too long agoFirst piercing: dun think im gonna pierceFirst credit card: no need lah. Enough cash liao.First true love: nic! Heh.First big trip: Indonesia. Or perth.First concert: hillsongs lah, or was it don moen?First musician you remember hearing in your house: most prob some guitar guy from churchC U R R E N T L YReading: this quiz thing.Located: living roomWatching: the words come out?L A S T S:Last big car ride: malaccaLast kiss: yh! Ok. Ew no. um, my mum?Last library book checked out: too long ago.
Last movie seen: cant reme! Omg. Um… maybe El Dorado.Last beverage drank: milk lah.Last food consumed: cerealLast phone call: my parents to tell them to buy dim sum for dinnerLast CD played: maroon 5- songs about janeLast annoyance: my cousin. argh.Last soda drank: coke at bk jus now. Bk cokes are real largeLast ice cream eaten: *just realized im suffering from ice cream withdrawal* oreo shake counted?Last time yelled at: yesterdayLast website visited: yh’s blog! Or was it nat geog.Last love: yh! Whee~ no lah. She knows who I like. Im not saying tho.F A V O R I T E:Movie: pearl harbor! Or ella enchanted!Store: borders still pwns all. Or challenger.Relative: aunt who buys me lotsa stuffVacation spot: Switzerland! I wish everyone could go there together! It would be a blastFruit: honeydew!Candy: I love those choco-covered coffee beansDay of the week: Saturday! Eds and lotsa free time!Color: silver! Or whiteMagazine: gameaxis? Pc gamer and lime are good tooName for a girl: ella! Short and sweetName for a boy: markypoo! I like matt tho.D O Y O U:Brush your teeth: duh.Believe in Santa Claus: i wish i could.Ever get off the computer: duhLike giving hugs: yeah! Tho im not hugophileLike walking in the rain: as long as it aint muddy coughubincoughSleep with or without clothes on: with, something light and comfortablePrefer black or blue pens: blue!Dress up on halloween: nah. We don’t celebrate Halloween hereLike to travel: YEAH! Omg! I miss long trips to faraway places. There aint time for those 2 weeks trips nowadays Sleep on your side: yeah. Want to marry: uhhuhHave a goldfish: no! I was a cute fishie! FISHIE!Have stuffed animals: yeah I love the lamb I got for me bday! And hy/Scotty the teddy koala.A R E / D O Y O U:Single or taken: taken! Just single. Single and taken?Law or anarchy: law lah.Sugar or salt: sugar! I got sweet toothSpring or fall: spring. Everything’s SHOOO happy in spwing!Give or receive: receive! Muahaha. I think I give more tho.A year of hot sex or a lifetime of friendship: wtf. Year? U can die lor. Um… I like lifetime stuff better!Mcdonalds or burger king: bk! Omg. Bk!Mexican or Italian food: def Italian. They got paste and pizza and pita bread and lasagna and its basically me fave cuisine!
Lights on or off: on! I dun like dark corners.Duct tape or scotch tape: scotch magic tape! Whee~Candy or soda: candy!A house in the woods or city: woods. With all mi fwens!=About me=1.name: Mark “Markypoo” Heng
2.most people call you: Mark, Marky3.your close friends call you: Markypoo, Mar Mar4.you like it when people actually call you: lotsa stuff.5. You would rather people mistake u abt: how nice I am! Omg. Yh is bhb.6. People don't know that you acty: i am even nicer! Even bhb-er!7. People you turn to when u need help: prayer and my peers=Do you prefer...=1.Fast food/ Slow food: slow food. Right. Fast (fats) food duh!2.Sciences/ Arts: actually I used to love science. Anything. 3.Chinese songs/ English songs: English lah. Except qing fei de yi!4.Plain colours/ Multi-coloured: multi-coloured! So much happier.5.Hugs/Kisses: both! I love everyone!6.Eating/ Sleeping: both. Food and sleep are essential for me growth.
7.Loud happening places/ Quiet places: depends. Prefer quiet places to think and to use comp. or loud HAPPNING places like LAN SHOP!8.To love/ be loved: be loved. I have loved too much
9. Teletubbies/ Purple dinosaur: omg. Purple dino = barney? Teletubbies cuter!10. Smoking/ Alcohol: alcohol. Dun think I’ll ever smoke.Have you ever been...1. loved: yeah2. admitted to hospital: lotsa times3. kissed: yeah4. hugged: yeah5. attached: omg. To yh. NOOOOOOO. Lotsa times lah. Ppl get wrong ideas about me niceness6. detached: huh? As in taken apart? No lah.7. topic of the month: ip and farewells! SHO SAD. I hate sad stuff like farewells8. annoyed enough to make u wanna kill someone: nah.9. misunderstood: yeah. Lotsa times10. accused of something you didn't do: yeah=LaMe QuEsTiOnS=1. My secret identity is: im gay chio! Superstar!2. I would most likely end up in jail for: rape? Nah. Wouldn’t think I’d commit crime. Oh! Ill end up as prison warden or officer.3. I have no regrets dying if: I lived my life to the fullest. And made the whole world happy.
4. If i can turn back time: I’d get back me innocence. And to relive pri sch.5. If i can get away with one thing, it would be: taking over the world!6. If i can own anything or anyone in this world, it would be: i dun wan! like if i own someone den he/she not happy i oso wun be happy one. (haha, same here lah)7. If i have one thing to say to the setter of this quiz, it would be: hi there!8. If you found one million dollars, you would: omg. Omgomgomg. I’d faint. And buy lotsa stuff after that.9. Congratulations! you are selected for EXtREmE MaKeOveR! what would u change abt urself: my eyes! I want those big bright eyes I had until they got screwed up playing comp.10. If u so happen can push someone down into the MRT tracks and get away with it... who would it be: the devil! He’s the one ruining the world11. Thunderstorm@#!#!#$#$%# You are stuck on an island. who do u wish is with u: ask yh lah. She knows!
12: You had a terrible nightmare! who do u see in it: Eugene! jk13. You had a wonderful dream. who do u see in it: all me really good fwens14. You got broke and needed money desperately. u tot of a scam to cheat people's money. the person that is the most gullible, and probably the only one who will fall for your trick is: MYSELF! Im so gullible to actually have bought that ring for yh.15. 9 + 3 * 3 equals to: 18
16. you were swimming for half an hour, then u realised u actually couldn't swim. you met a shark, you: I’d swim on its back.17. If u become a ghost, you would haunt: no one! I’d be a nice ghost!18. You set fire to ur friend's house because: I wouldn’t! it’d be an accident19. You would kill to: defend my nation and justice20. A mad terrorist had nothing better to do. so he strapped a bomb to evryone you know. you can save three people in time and survive... or save five but die in the process. you would...and they are...: save five n die.. hy+ yh+ sb? Dunno leh21. u open the door to ur room...only to see ur friend doing the most unforgivable thing in the world! your friend happened to be: letting Eugene buttsecks him/her!
22. u invited jeremy to your house. and not being very intelligent, u asked him to 'cooooook' something. greeeeeat, wise crack. now YOUR house is on fire. u have time to bring three things outta your house and they are: duh its jem. Sorry lah dude, but your cooking is… ahem. Anyway, me NEW comp, my bookshelf(s) and me school bag (with my wallet, documents and hp inside of cos)23. you had been extremely evil and even santa clause stopped visiting u for christmas. u end up in hell and the devil says he will turn u into an animal. u beg the devil to turn you into: angel!
24. soooooo... u were out with your friend and u saw the prettiest or the most charming guy in ur entire life! somehow u forget that u r bad with words... sooo u walked over, and said three of the lamest pick-up lines ever! they are: guy? Oh. This is a girl quiz. Oh well. If it were a girl tho: omg! Chio bu! Wanna go out?
25. Finally... a guy or girl comes up to u and said the pick-up line that picked u up. it is: ask yh lah! STOP ASKING ME!26. Your friend went crazy and killed evryone you held so dearly. and burn your house down. and set on flames ur favourite puppy. u forgive him/her because he/she : is sb. He’s the only one who would do that. Anyway he’s me best fwen too lah, and im used to him screwing up my life27. you would be touched and fall head over heels over someone if he/she: loved me! And gave me all the stuff I want
28. You think that the setter of this quiz is =D : weird.

Omg! We played cball at church today! Heh. We pwned the first game, then lost to the sec 1s. sadness. Then I went to bk with some ppl. Whee~ the swiss mushroom meal thing is real good lor. The coke is like twice the size of mcd’s. it has a MUSHROOM SWISS burger. And it costs like 3.90! a great deal. Then matthew was like, come on mark, I’ll pwn you at pod racing. Heh. He got screwed up at the loop area, then he tried to sabo me by pressing the boost button at the narrow canyon thing. I didn’t get stuck once and I completed the race. Heh. I WON duh.

Oh. Theres geog test tmr. I just had dinner. (at 10!) four dishes: fish porridge (the best congee I ever eaten), siew mais, char siew buns all from some dim sim stall, and honeydew. Eh. Does anyone know if honey dew is heaty or cooling? Cos if its heaty im screwed up lah. anyway. Geog test. Study time. Time: 11:13. I’ll go sleep instead.

a moment in time.

Saturday, September 11, 2004

W00t! I was like rushing all the way to school. My dad drove at like 120kph. Oh well. the others were playing bball! No fair lor! Tristan, nic, Yvonne and cindy vs me! 4v1 lor. And THEY started. I got the ball, shot in like 3-5 times and from that time on, everytime I got the ball, cindy would tackle (as in foul tackle) me, and I would scream foul but they wouldn’t give me the ball! Sho evil. Oh. I had lots of trouble finding a belt/string/tie thing to tighten sb’s pants. His waist is like 30+? Mine is like 26-29! Oh well. the bandana is nice! Whee~

We gathered in the holding room and just talked and talked and drew stuff and read stuff until it was the dance. The first round was pretty easy, but we screwed up a bit, even though the others (including the portion of the audience which we knew) applaused. I guess I wasn’t used to dancing on elevations. Nearly fell off somewhere in the middle. But still got by lah. we went to visit the eds exhibit thing! W00t. we rock! I’ll really miss eds! Boohoo… I found some string there to tie up the pants with. W00t. then we had a LOOOONG rest. It was so long that som choir ppl (I called yh) went to BUGIS and took neoprints! I was like omg, why would they go to bugis when they still had a 2nd performance. But we had till 2pm for lunch! we waited in the holding room for some lunch 2 dollars thing, then gave up and we all went to mcd! Talked and talked and ate stuff. I love bbq sauce! Oh. And Yvonne and Audrey fell for the warm ice trick! Heh. Put the ice in chilli sauce and it’ll give off heat. Bwahaha. And they squashed the chilli sauce packet! SICK.

A stroll back to this holding room. Omg. Did anyone see nicholas’ new haircut. SCARY. He aint meant for crewcuts lah. looks so weird on him. We watched some sgp idol. Heh. Lemon tree! Dhs guy lor. He was in Chinese orchestra! Er hu. So weird. Second dance was better. Now the sj and choir ppl and TEACHERS were watching us. Evil! The 2nd dance was better. Like we remembered to bow this time! And the moves were better lah. whee~ finally over! Fun while it lasted. Something ill remember. Just like eds camp, kscope, eds night, farewell party, s2 lvl camp, and the whole month of may. These are the memories that are everlasting. Bliss all the way. And I dun want it to stop. On the way home, I didn’t wanna talk, just think and think. And it’em was playing graduation at the open house! It was so emotional. WHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE THIS WAY? I DUN WANNA LEAVE. It’s the equal prospects of which both choices have for me. They tear me apart. And that tear goes through my heart. The farewell I don’t want to face comes nearer towards me every day. Its been heartbreaking all the way. From that moment I received the letter. So full of joy, these days have been, yet, so full of sorrow. Tell me you’ll wait for me. Please.

a moment in time.

Omg. Blogger keeps screwing up me posts. Stupid thing. At least I got blissen! Whee~ at diaryx. W00t. but have to maintain both. And blogger’s still me main blog. Oh well. found more ppl on friendster! Omg! Friendster’s so interesting! Especially the testimonials. Heh.

Bball with Eugene and Brandon before dance. Then vball with Tristan and aaron and yh and two more choir ppl. Aaron received a call and he told us to go to the foyer to rehearse. Cs and choir were there too. And I guess most performing grps. Saw band and co too. Aiyah. First dance of the day was screwed up. Went to d&d room to practice. And practice. Until 12 when the dance instructor came in. she gave us some tips. Like how to walk with attitude. And pose. Then after more than half an hour of delaying her dance lesson, we chased ourselves out to the sec4 wall-less. (by the time we got out, all the syf dance ppl were there)

We ended at around 130. then looked around for rui jie to go to ama’s house, but we wasn’t in school. Played bball with sam, sb and ying xiao. I can score without looking at hoop! W00t. did it like 3 times. But 3 times tyco is possible lah. received a call from Eugene. Apparently he and rj went for lunch at kfc/mcd w/o telling me. Fags. I waited 1 hour for rj lor. Anyway, we got to ama’s house.

I was forced to go home and get supplies, then go to big bookshop and buy more supplies and actually got to the stupid 1 buck bubble tea shop to buy stuff for them. I got myself a choco oreo shake! W00T! its so rocks. It’s the best drink ive had for that kind of price (1.30) whee~ oh. Why am I the grp leader? Ama should be lor. Anyway, I did the research (20 pages which was cut down to less than 10) help a bit with the poster thing and uh… played rogue squadron. Omg. Abel sucks at rs. I pwn3d the game liao. Flight sims! W00t. look. abel. When you see a tie, go for it head-on, aim for the sphere and shoot. Don’t forget to pull up or down to get away from laser bolts and the explosion. Yeah. that’s the berserker tactic. Or use hit and run. Just aim properly, and before the laser bolts touch you, fire off some of your own and pull out. The computer isn’t as smart as a human. (unless its you of cos. Jk) yeah. and I pwn3d the death star trench run (apparently the hardesr mission in rs; it’s a locked mission) with an x wing. Speed all the way and got out of the lines of fire and you must be fast enough to swerve from the blocks, then send a proton torpedo into the chute. whee~ I must go reinstall rogue squadron. Finished pearl harbor liao. Too easy. ARGH! I want il2 gold pack! *drool*

a moment in time.

Thursday, September 09, 2004

Yesterday’s entry which blogger was unable to publish. Bloody thing:

09 Sep 2004Instead enjoying myself ice skating, I stayed at home and sulked over the homework and eventually did some of it. Finished half of science (mostly done by Audrey) and finally finished history after 3 days of ranting. I ate a lot too. Food with lots of salt and sugar like cheese pancakes and choco buns and egg tarts. Whee~ the tv shows weren’t bad too. Watched one show on san diego which is like rich place with lots of cool animals in a cool zoo. Its like 12:55 now, and there ain’t much to talk about anyway, so I might as well go sleep.

Another interesting quiz from friendster thing. Xin rong never gets sick of these kind of stuff does she? =S

would you rather?*1) pierce your nose or tongue? ew. Um. Nose? 2) be serious or be funny? serious = boring!3) drink whole or skim milk?whole! Whee~4) simple or complicated?why would you want stuff to be complicated? Simple lah.do you prefer?* 5) OMG. FLOWAHS! I LURVE FLOWEERSZ!6) grey or gray?ok. Grey is brit. Grey then7) coloured or black-and-white photos?monochrome sucks. Coloured! RAINBOW!8) lust or love?what does lust do for you? Love makes the world go round! Whee~9) sunrise or sunset?I love both, but sunsets are more romantic! Love!10) M&Ms or Skittles? m&ms11) rap or rock?rock’s more my taste12) staying up late or waking up early?waking up early just sucks. 13) TV or radio? comp! compcompcomp! Can have both on me comp! 15) eating apples or oranges?apples are crunchy!answer truthfully?* 16) Do you have a boy/girl friend?oh noes. Confusing. I guess not.17) Who is it? *NA* do you prefer?*18) being hot or cold?cold! Snow! Whee~ but not too cold rite?19) tall members of the opposite sex?NO! im either taller than them/ going to be taller than them.20) sun or moon?moonlight is beautiful21) emeralds or rubies? dunno. I think I like rubies better.22) left or right?HUH? Im right handed. And right stuff are nicer?! Huh. 23) having 10 acquaintances or 1 best friend?best fwen!24) sun or rain? rain. Singin’ in the rain! Whee~ and bball in the rain too.25) vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream?omg. Choco rocks.27) green beans or carrots?carrots! Im a bunneh! 26) boys or girls?girls can be nicer than guys. Yeah. but both lah. miscellaneous?* 29) What is your biggest fear in the world?a painful death 30) Kids or no kids?kids! Baby! They’re cute right?31) Cat or dog? meow.32) Half empty or half full? WHAT? I hate this type of illusion thing question. Half full SOUNDS fuller.33)Mustard or ketchup?ketchup. *hate mustard* tumahto!34) Hard cover books or soft cover books?hard covers just get in the way. Paperbacks nicer35) Newspaper or magazine?mags! Especially pc and teen mags. Dun mind life! tho.
36) Sandals or sneakers?sandals give me blisters! Sneakers more comfortable37) Wonder or amazement?um… wonder? 38) Red car or white car?whites me fave colour!39) Happy and poor or sad and rich?my aim in life = to be happy40) Singing or dancing?both! But privately.41) Hugging or kissing? Kissing’s not my age. Hugs! Tho im not a hugophile42) Corduroy or plain? plain. Corduroy’s weird43) Happy or sad? HAPPY! Its so nice to be happy! =)45) Blondes, brunettes?blondes? =Sabout you? * 46. What time is it? 10:52 pm47. Full name? Mark Heng Shu Xun48. Nickname? ”angel baby gal mark mark”
“marketh the brave”
… 49. Names and ages of siblingsnone50. Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake? that was so long ago. I think like… 12?51. Date that you regularly blow them out?HUH? 26/552. Pets? fishie! I wanna cute fishie! None currently. =( FISHIE!53. Height?168 – taller than nic!54. Eye color?black55. Hair color?black with brown tint56. Piercings? 0. im a sad sod.57. clean or pierced guy/girl?clean. Right. Um. Clean?! 58. Who's the person on your mind right now?oh! Lots. Dun wanna say.

Lol. Weird quiz. Anyway, today was real interesting. My dad wanted to bring me all the way to school, but it was like 930. 1 hour early. So I dropped off at parkway. There was ABSOLUTELY nothing. Parkway in the saddest state. Heh. Cold storage only. I was roaming around cold storage then I decided to call aaron. Was supposed to meet him to do science proj. he was like 10 mins away from school! OMG! So I went to take 196. I missed the first bus that was there. So I waited for 15 minutes. (oh. And I beat my mole high score today. 1010. heh. Nick and Yvonne. You have NO chance of beating me now! Bwahaha!) stupid 196 refused to come. Oh well. I FINALLY got to school. They were playing bball! Aiyoh. Me and sb’s bball today sucked. Sadness. I want my 3 pointer streak back! *sob* argh. Dance was ok lah. my dance sucked today too. Too tired loh. Not my fault. Blame gta! And solitaire! And HISTORY HOMEWORK! Argh. Oh well. ill sleep early tmr to save energy for Saturday. The sadness that I am. Haha. there was this huge break for us. And me, sb and aaron were talking about stuff. Like porings with rods and rods and other gay stuff we talk about. Aaron was later to comment that everything he talked with me and sb, we’d talk about weird stuff, and everytime the topic changed, it was still on the same thing. =S *confused*

Anyway, we played a bit more vball. Then fball. Then I went to kfc with aaron, Nicole, Tristan and xin rong. I stood in the wrong queue! The counter was closed! And there was no sign to state that it was closed. Wtf lor. By the time I started eating, they had finished. And they went to mcd to get more foods. So I was left alone. =( anyway I finished the chicken (w00t! chicken skin rocks!) and bought fries at kfc! I traded my free evm cone for aaron’s mousepad thing! Whee~ xin rong was weird lor. She walked with us all the way to the 12 bus stop. Then when we got on 12 she walked to some other bus stop to take the bus. Must have been 31 bus stop which is like FAAAAAR away. Weird. She’s kinda like yuhui. And luff a lot too! Haha. oh well. oh. Nicole thinks she’s me counsellor now. On all the lovey dovey stuff. And trying to find me a gf. WEIRD. Kinda confused about me and yh now. Its giving me SERIOUS PSYCHOLOGICAL PROBLEMS! Whatever. We talked and talked about stuff. Then I got off, and took 291 to tamp library. (oh. Judie was up in her apartment! Haha. we saw each other!)

I borrowed this cool book on what its like being a mac user in a pc world. It’s a superb book. Stuff you REALLY never knew about the apple and macs. And the story is hilarious. Ive heard about all those switching things and how easy it is to use a mac and how stabler it is compared to the pc, and even use one a few times. Damnit. This book makes me wanna go out to that apple store just above borders and get an imac, and then go down to borders and get the book. Book is called “Macintosh: the naked truth” its good. 4/5 on amazon. I’d rate it 5/5. im gonna start reading gathering blue by lois lowry tonight. A sequel-like thing to the giver. Should be good. the giver was astounding. So I got home, happy and stuff. Although im still upset about vip. I wont bring it up again lah. must be HAPPY! And BUBBLY! Just like yh and hy want me to be. HAPPY! =)

a moment in time.

Instead enjoying myself ice skating, I stayed at home and sulked over the homework and eventually did some of it. Finished half of science (mostly done by Audrey) and finally finished history after 3 days of ranting. I ate a lot too. Food with lots of salt and sugar like cheese pancakes and choco buns and egg tarts. Whee~ the tv shows weren’t bad too. Watched one show on san diego which is like rich place with lots of cool animals in a cool zoo. Its like 12:55 now, and there ain’t much to talk about anyway, so I might as well go sleep.

a moment in time.

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

My com is lagging worse than usual. 64mb ram is NOT ENOUGH. Stupid new comp wont be coming for 3 weeks. I dun think it takes 3 weeks to find a good comp table. Aiyah, but for my mum it does. She’s too lazy to go out and find one. I want an ikea one! Ikea furniture is nice! Whee~ oh, did I say I just screwed up my discman by dropping it. Maybe if I let it rest, then it’ll be back to normal, just like this weird comp of mine.

we went to visit mun yi again today. She’s been transferred to a normal ward, and seems pretty fine. She had to go for something, so we were chased out. And they got slurpees again. I saved my hair from the hair spray this time by staying indoors where you aren’t allowed to spray the gay stuff. Then we took the shuttle bus to bugis. Whee~ bugis is like THE hangout. No more parkway parade. Arcade + lan + neos + kino + sushi + yoshi = bugis! Whee~ teen’s paradise.

The first thing I did there was to buy the ring for yuhui (finally.) she chose some multi-coloured stripy ring thing which darr described as yuhui-ish. Yupz. See? I’m still so faithful to her! Heh. Not too ex lah. But I spent 15 bucks today. Just like the fateful March Tuesday I spent 30 bucks on lots of peoples’ prezzies. Breakdown of expenses:

$2 (arcade)
$4 (ring)
$4 (neoprints x2)
$2 (custard puffs + cornetto)
$2.5 (sushi)

Oh well. oh yeah. time crisis sucked today. The machines weren’t responding! Sho gay! and so did crisis zone, even though I got further then usual. We met Tristan, Vanessa and Audrey at the neoprints shop! After their movie (Garfield), we took eds neoprints! Before that we took shps neoprints! Whee~ sure, they’re a waste of money, but they’re memories! Nicole better scan them in… went to darr’s house to play vball. Played on the road. Which was quite a dumb idea. ok. Tomorrow im not going ice-skating. Must concentrate on homework. Sleep early today so I can rise up early and gather motivation to actually start homework. Especially history, which is horrendously difficult. Cut-throat. DOOM.

a moment in time.

Monday, September 06, 2004

Boring boring day. I was supposed to start on history, but I found it too hard. So I didn’t do it. I did a bit of the science worksheet and planned the strange creature’s habitat mentally. So I didn’t do much today. Civ3 sucks. Aoe2 is way better. Annihilated the 3 other armies. Aoe2 is too easy. I need rise of nations! And gta:vc. W00t. here comes better days. But theres so much homework (isn’t that like throughout the year? Wonder how we’ve coped) and the *doom sounds* final exams… DOOM APPROACHES

I miss the good old days when times were so easy and relaxed and when I could finish all my homework in school and spend my afternoon playing. Ahh… times gone by. When we were all still innocent and knew nothing of the pain that love caused. But yet, we did not know the joys of a teen’s life. Everything has its pros and cons. But I do wish to relive those moments I had so long ago. Like go back to may this year. The best month I ever had. Kscope, eds night, my bday, the holidays, and oh.. all the love we experienced. Romance and joy and bliss. And blissen! What great times… if only. If only.

What troubling times we are facing now. The jaws of the exams, the tearing apart of your heart because of the parting. Farewells and suffering are all we face now. Threats everywhere. Terrorists, fear. If we got over this patch of darkness, we still don’t know what lies on the other side. I heard that life in vjc is hard. Lectures, constant note taking. Worse than the note taking we have now. No help given at all. What sadness. The prata I had just now was damn oily. But I took lime juice, which according to my parents, cleanses the oil. Oh well. gonna visit mun yi tomorrow. But I don’t think everyone can see her before her dad gets pissed. I’ll let those who haven’t seen her see her before I go. I really hope she gets well. miss her too…

a moment in time.

Sunday, September 05, 2004

So I was in church. And me and yuhui were like smsing each other. Vjc is SO NIAO. They sent her a letter saying she didn’t get in. so I was upset and frustrated with the whole vip thing. But yuhui, being so nice, said that we could and would still meet each other, and that life’s liddat. YOU BETTER GET INTO VJC! O levels lor. She rejected dhp. Just like me, like how I forced myself to accept my own decision. And now im starting to regret it. Yh, I still luv ya 4eva k? <3 Oh well. we went for bible study and I kept this to myself until I returned to the chapel and my parents sent me to be prayed by this prophet pastor guy. He said that I had a lot of hatred and bitterness within me. Someway or another, I was semi-slain and my dad let me drop to the floor and I just started crying. I cried everything out. Yeah. im still upset lah. But at least I know I confessed everything to God, and it feels much better when you’ve cried and let everything out.

My parents are in the prison ministry, and they invited some of the ex-convicts to church and we had lunch with them. My dad is like in 4 ministries (ushering, soccer, prison, counselling), so I actually wonder how he copes together with his job. He admitted to me that he was earning 10k/mth last time and now its less then 5k or even 4k. which is still ok lah. oh well. my mum keeps complaining im wasting my cahs on lan (which I am) so ive decided to abstain as much as I can until (like everyone else) after the exams. Tomorrow, if im not called out (anyway everyone’s doing sci or geog. My sci is on thurs, my geog is on fri) ill start the foundations for the history assignment, geog and sci projs. I watched quite a nice movie called bridge at remagen. Very tense wwii thing. Played some aoe2. pwn3d three armies, conquering step by step, slowly but surely, as I always do.

Aoe strategy for Aztec vs Spanish:
1) jaguar warriors to counter siege and infantry
2) eagle warriors to counter villagers and cavalry
3) scorps (focus fire) to counter the Conquistadors, infantry, fire ships and weak cavalry
4) trebs to blow away the buildings, and counter other siege units
5) fire ships to counter cannon galleons and galleons
6) villagers to build castles in strategic positions

w00t. oh well. quite bored now. Its time I start homework; ie tomorrow. Anyone free to go out tomorrow so I don’t have to touch homework? Please?

a moment in time.

Saturday, September 04, 2004

Heh. Got this from my friendster message board. Courtesy of xin rong. You dun mind me using it right? Thanks!

A - Age: 14
B - Band listening to right now: nsyncC - Career of the future: Pilot? Most prob air force lahD - Dad's name:SimonE - Ethnic background:95% Chinese, 5% Indonesian/ 100% Chinese/ 100% Singaporean!F - Favorite song at the moment: no strings attached/ that girl will never be mine G - Great escape:island paradise in Hawaii, or lake retreat in switzerlandH - Hometown: tampines, Singapore! Whee~I - Instrument: drums. Especially the elec kind!J - Job title:in reality: student
In Bizlab: ceo
In Aeroquile: president K - Kids:2!L - Last person you talked to on the phone: yuhui. =S M - Mom's name:so lame… Audrey lahN - Number of siblings:0.O - Oldest Sibling: no siblings!P - Piercings: 0, but does stapler piercings count? I got one yesterdayQ - Favorite quote:fluctuating, currently “that girl will never be mine” - nsyncS - Song you sang last: full song: you eye is on the sparrow
Excerpt: just don’t tell me that T - Time you wake up:5:30 on sch days, 9 on weekends, 12-1 on holidays
U - Unknown fact about me: that I’m really not gay! or the person I like lah.V - Vegetable you hate: chilli! W - Worst habit:all. X - X-rays you've had:must have had 10 by nowY - Yummy food:roasted cheese, chocobread! Z - Zodiac Sign: gemini! Sign of friendship and love! Whee~

Damn. Gotten back into my obsession with eating ice cubes. After abstaining for… half a year. Oh well. I just finished 3 cups of ice. Anyway, back to today. My parents brought me to hans at the weird parkway building there. Omelette! Whee! And we went shopping too. I got a box of smints (which was later on finished by the eds people, yuhui, Eugene and yun yuan. And me too lah) my prediction to mdm john came true. We did nothing for eds. Just enjoyed the air con and gossiped. And looked at the shps photos. Js = mickey mouse + big mouth + cuteness! Haha we learnt about the violence that went on in gong shang. And aaron’s early crush! (whos next door) and cindy’s apparent violent tendencies. They’re a weird bunch. (quote a certain yx: she is as beautiful as an angle. And a certain hy: angle? Acute or obtuse? Reflex? So SWEET right! Hehe. I never sae who ok…)

Me, sam, aaron, cindy and june went to the oc. W00t. im doing the rope and wall at least 4 days a week. Its like the only constant training I’ll have. And maybe I’ll add the first tree to the list. Haha. they were listing out the family tree. Cindy is june’s jie, aaron is her… mei? Or jie. Whatever. And im her best fren! Haha. dunno lah. anyway, I went out with yuhui, as promised yesterday. And so did yun yuan and THE Eugene. Oh. The two of us decided to fen shou (I guess that means break up). Im so depressed! Haha. she says we’ll just be good frens now. That nice right? Sorry we left you at the cybercafe! And no yuhui, I don’t like iris -_-“. I love you 4eva k? haha. yun yuan bought some silver jewellery. In the end I didn’t go with yuhui to buy a ring for her. Me and Eugene went arcade. Trashed him at cs 1.6 (I just realised that the cs at zion is v1.5) (iceworld: 31+ : 12) and time crisis 2. (so hard to keep score. Anyway, he didn’t manage to get past to level 2. I think I won him by 10 times over) w00t. so yayish. I ate some nice choco pancake! Whee~ then went challenger. They got the 1337 games I want! Shopping spree at challenger once comp comes along. Got the money, whos stopping me? Oh ya hui yi. I’ll still get you the mood pendent thing k? and yuhui too. Love ya both lots! Whee~ (I have SO gone mad.)

a moment in time.

Friday, September 03, 2004

Eh. Blue chamber sucks. Sb was right. The only reason I got stuck was because I was facing the wrong side. I was facing the wrong side for 20 minutes and kept clicking the pic but nothing happened. Then I clicked right, then click the picture, and the final item came out. Stupid me. While blue chamber’s too easy, archipelago will take days (literally) to complete. It has like at least a dozen islands, and each like a few times the size of a room in say, motas. Omg. Im not touching it.

History was ok. We talked about the merger stuff. I got mrs lee to digress three times! (if Singapore was really a democracy, why we sold Christmas island, and foreign politics) About half the lesson gone. Oh. Im thinking of taking political studies in vjc. It seems… interesting. All their tactics and strategies. Yeah. acc was gay! We arm wrestled and other stuff. Won terence because of his weak wrist. Oh well. pe was ok. Seriously hilarious game of vball. We just couldn’t help laughing. Even mr siva was laughing his ass off. And mrs lee came to watch us play vball! So evil. She was also laughing at all of us! Hmmph. Played some vball during recess. Then went back to study history. oh. And we arm wrestled again. Yuhui vs ernest. Then me vs Jeremy. Heh. I won him three times in a row. He was like, all those games were not serious! Right… (NOOOO its Britney spears playing on me comp! no wonder its so screwed.)

Ting xie during Chinese. I have learnt how to rush learning ting xie in 5 minutes and get full marks. My technique works for both ting xie and tests. It’s a SECRET FORMULA. (lame) just use the han yu, then write the word. Usually within 3 tries you’ll get all correct, then you know you’ve clinched full marks. Yeah. the tkamockingbird style group presented during English. Im really interested in origins of words and that kind of stuff. That’s why im so keen in learning basic latin. I have a short list of latin words. You know, like dulce, patria, valles, mons. Oh well. I wonder if they offer it in vjc. Science was ok lah. miss chen is leaving! Going to work in some pharmaceutical company. And we got her ankle socks! Whee~

The history test was ok. I spent too much time on the first 2 questions, and then my 3rd question was screwed. Instead of using the contributions of other communities to counter the statement, I wrote what the brit govt did not do. Then at the last minute I realised I answered the whole thing wrongly. but my links were all about the contributions of other communities, so there’s some chance Ill get marks those. Hope hope hope. Played vball, cball and bball all the way till 630 because of waiting for ama. In the end I didn’t even go home with her. Oh. Max and js and Nicole were like game masters. And they created two games of dungeons and dragons for me to play. Their npcs were like everyone else. With that kind of game masters, and that kind of player (me.) you could tell the game was pretty screwed. One minute I was dipsy with a long wang on its head, then I was a horny pink poring. Omg. And I kept getting killed by great balls of fire.the mystery potions were gay too! And the forfeits were sad. What. Ran around canteen, ran around table, hang upside down by legs. Oh well. yeah it has potential. But this kind of gay rpgs just wont appeal. Especially to me. -_-

So we went to the oc. Vanessa was pretty upset about the vip stuff. Apparently no one told her that we were going to apply. And she got left out. She made me talk with her about it. Don’t get so upset lah! we can still see one another! Like on bus 12 and stuff. Cheer up. You still have sb and cindy and lots of eds people there. Vanessa’s nice lah. oh well. took 30 home because hui yi and Yvonne were reluctant to take a bus with Eugene. So they persuaded me to take 30. we talked about Yvonne and randall, and hy and yx. Yx’s nice. Fine hui yi. I shall stop teasing you about him. But just don’t reject him k? he’s been real sweet to you. Then Yvonne and eugene left. so I talked about stuff to hui yi. Oh well. she thinks I like iris! Wtf lor. First yuhui and rui jie, now you. So evil. I don’t even know her, and she doenst even know me! Just by names lah. I’d rather go out with yuhui! Whos daoing me now because she thinks I’d rather go out with Olivia then her. Now when did Olivia get into this. Im getting rather confused. Im too innocent to understand anything! I don’t like anyone and no ama, im NOT DESPO! Its causing me serious psychological problems! Boohoo. I need a hug. *hug sb* oh well. got home at 8. finished the pacific campaigns. W00t. flight sims rock. But they’re becoming too easy. Maybe I’ll challenge Nigel. He thinks he’s good. heh. 1v1 on il2 anyone? W00t. argh. Now that I have a 1337 gaming pc, all I need are the games. Yay. Got 2k bucks for that. Shopping spree! I thot aaron wanted to go on shopping spree during sept hols? I’ll spend my shopping money then. Whee~ but there’s lotsa homework! Sadness….

a moment in time.

Well, English in the morning, a rush of ting xie during Chinese. Then it was recess. Talked a lot with Nicole and js. They think I need a gf. That’s so gay. So nic’s like oh mark, we’ll find you a girl in vjc. Right. Anyway, I talked with her about a lot of stuff. And how depressed and angsty I am because of a certain someone I have to leave and expressed all my feelings. Whatever. Nicole’s a bit like aaron. You can talk to them about this kind of stuff and they seem to enjoy talking about it. Oh well.

History, then maths (which is so boring now. The insurance; accident thing was just some problem solving thing which isn’t even in the syllabus, and we spent like a whole week on it), then literature. We finally finished presenting. Took the mrt home. Went for a short shop with Amanda to buy ovalteenies (which she claim I have gotten her hooked onto after yesterday) and mood pendant for hui yi. Couldn’t find one. Amanda tried counselling me. And she was like I’m a ROLE MODEL for this kind of stuff. Must be experienced with a certain ri rugger… She says ying xiao’s chances on hui yi is zero. So evil. He’s nicer than you! Hmmph. My whole day was filled with this kind of talk. Romance and angst. Oh well. I slept 2 times while trying to study history. I finished studying, but just very briefly. Its like past midnight, so ill study properly in school tmr and finish off the history pairwork tmr morning. No vball! Sadness.

a moment in time.

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

One look of the photo we took with mrs choo and her baby, and I horridly realise how much we’ve all grown. From young, cuter, innocent beings, the dark side has now clouded our once-pure minds, and our bodies tainted by adolescence. It’s the sad reality we all have to face up to, time passes, and if we don’t move on, we’ll never get far. We have to take steps towards adulthood. Its just a process. Just a process.

Well, we went to visit mun yi today. But first, we had to get a gift for her. Me, darr, ama and hui yi went to tamp mall (third day in a row ive been there) we got a cow called mumu. Whee~ I think mun yi likes. Darr had to leave for lunch, so there three of us took the mrt and nel there. I was all angsty on the train because of the gay music I was listening to. Ok. Whatever.

When we got to ward 65, the others were already there. Most of them had visited. I went in with reuben and sam chye. Haha. mun yi showed us an article about a guy who looked remarkably like sam chye. She seems ok lah. Symptoms (high fever, rashes, red eye, cough) not too bad (there’s something with arterial problems though), although I noticed the higher-then-usual heart rate. I hope theres a diagnosis soon, so the doctor can get rid of this weird illness, and she can be back with us. We wish her get well soon and stuff, and left. I went in again with rui jie and vina and we told her about yesterday: the miss fugly chen, iron bok’s prezzie, and also some other funny stuff. At least we made her laugh, but we had to leave because of the doctor. Get well soon mumu!

Then we went to 7 eleven. Shared a slurpee with hui yi. We paid with rui jie so we got a can of coloured hair spray. I got mine painted some weird colours. I heard that there was a smiley face on the back of my head. Right. Heh. Everyone look hilarious. And hui yi’s green apple coke combo thing mixed up and turned into a sickly green colour. But it tasted nice! Whee~

Then we took some bus to bugis. W00t. arcade! I went machine gunning at crisis zone. Too much recoil! And every time I let go of the pedal it refuse to respond. Stupid thing. But I didn’t die that easily lah. too pro ymy. *bhb* (omg. Just heard olivia’s going to tjc. Sadness) haha. oh. Then we went to take neo prints! W00T! so cool. The first one was pretty screwed up. The second set was like super, but they were amazingly tiny. Argh. But I still love neo prints.

Went shopping with hui yi and Amanda for amanda’s formal shirt thing. Its quite hard to find a formal shirt in a place like bugis. Oh well. oh. I promised hui yi a mood necklace because I supposedly like her now. Dun worry yuhui, I still love ya lots =D and ill still get you the mood ring. Heh. What a day. But I foresee worse times (hist test, lots of homework, parting) but still must be optimistic (hols, love, life) yeah. as Tristan and dr evil say, peace out.

a moment in time.

Well. teacher’s day celebration. I finally understand why I feel so upset. Because I know the truth. Because I finally know what the world, people, and life are really like. It’s the horrors of growing up and finally understanding. I fear reality. I want to live in dreams. Its like a personal revelation unfolding in front of me in a matter of a few days. Why is all this happening? I was just thinking about what good frens I have, and how I am going to leave them. I want to see the way I wanted everything to be, not the way it is. I want to believe what I know to be true.

Argh ill stop ranting. It was quite a good day, but ended horribly over msn. I dunno what happened. Oh nvm. Anyway, the food was nice, the concert was nice (intuition should have gotten in) and we went to the bball court near ama’s house. Scored a few 3 pointers. And got caught in the rain. And played polar bear. Its really late now, my mum’s pissed, so I gtg. Maybe if there’s time tmr ill elaborate. But theres no need to. Gonna see mun yi tomorrow. I hope she’s ok.

a moment in time.

face to face

Mark Heng // markhsx
26.05.90 // Gemini
Christian // Church of Singapore
Singapore // Tampines
QPS // 1-2, 2-1, 3-1
SHPS // 4-11, 5-11, 6-12
DHS // 1K, 2K ; EDS
Victoria IP // 05V13 ; V.Actors ; Subjectif
Victoria JC // 07S41 ; V.Actors ; Subjectif

walking away.

more of me.
.msn spaces

the others.

.aaron low
.aaron ng
.ang hee
.benedict [ri]
.benedict [cousin]
.bor ray
.chun han
.fang ming
.huang yue
.jia en
.jia yi
.joa ee
.kai ling
.michelle [snr]
.mun yi
.rui jie
.samuel ng
.samuel chye
.seng teck
.tian cheng
.vanessa phang
.vanessa chong
.wai lumn
.wan qing
.wan tian
.wei li
.xiao xian
.xin rong
.yee tien
.ying xian
.yuh yiing
.yun yuan
.yvonne [snr]
.zhai juan
.zhi hui
.zhi quan

turning back.

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